Average Calculator

The average calculator calculates the average of numbers

Tired of summarizing a large amount of data using hefty calculations? No need to waste your time as we have the best solution with our Average Calculator which not only gives you the average of your entered data but also gives other types of statistical averages including Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, Range, etc.

All you need to know about Average Calculator:

If you're the one pondering the use of this average calculator, let us explain it for you; the average function allows you to represent the available data with a unique value. The average is a general term that denotes the center-determined value and has many uses in our daily lives. A big set of student grades, the fluctuating price of stocks, a location's meteorological data, and the income of different people in a city are all instances for which we may compute an average.

Usually, the average we know is computed by summing all of the data values and dividing them by the number of data points. This is, in fact, referred to as Arithmetic Mean. There are many other ways to calculate averages like Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, and Range. Working with all the statistical averages separately becomes stressful, which is why our all-in-one functioning calculator helps you get desired results within a matter of seconds.

How to use our Average Calculator tool?

You can easily launch our 'Average Calculator' tool directly from our home page under the Calculator section. It can help you figure out complex statistical questions related to Average, Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean, Median, Range, etc., that are difficult to solve even with a scientific calculator. We aim to make our user's experience as convenient as we can. Average Calculator, like the rest of our tools, is incredibly simple to use. You will be able to use our tool without much help even if you don't have a lot of technical experience.

Follow up with the instructions provided to figure out the statistical averages for your collected data.

  1. When you'll open our Average Calculator's webpage, you'll see the two boxes below the label 'Enter the values'. In that field, enter the first value of the collected data.
  2. Similarly, enter your second value in the box right next to it.
  3. Initially, you will observe only two empty boxes for entering the values but you can add as many as you need according to your number of data points. For this purpose, you need to click on the button with a '+' sign right next to the label 'Enter the values'.
  4. On doing so, an empty box is generated right below the box with your first entered value. In its field, you can simply enter your next value. You can repeat the previous step to get as many new boxes as you need.
  5. If you want to delete a newly added box, you can click on the red delete button (bin icon), which can be seen right next to each newly added box.
  6. If you want to change the entered value in any box, you can use the up and down arrows at the right side of the particular box. The up arrow will increase the value by unity, and the down arrow will decrease it by unity. You can also change the value by deleting the previously written value and then re-entering the new value.
  7. Once you have entered the values for all the fields, next you have to click on the Calculate button. You'll instantly get the average and mean figures for the entered input values.

What Statistical Figures will you get?

On pressing the Calculate button you'll observe two separate boxes. One has the values of the calculated Average and all the Means i.e. Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, and Harmonic Mean, while the other box gives you the values of Sum, Count, Median, Range, Largest as well as Smallest value from the entered data. All these statistical values are calculated precisely according to your provided data. Statistics helps us in understanding the world through the use of numbers, and different types of averages are used as a central tendency value for different scenarios.


Q: Why do we compute the Average?

A: We compute averages because they are an effective method to show large amounts of data. Instead of having to go through hundreds or thousands of bits of data, we can have a single measure that sums up the entire collection.

Q: Is Average preferable than calculating Mode?

A: It is fully dependent on the data set you have collected. If the data is regularly distributed and there are no exceptions, the average should be used. However, the mode should always be employed with categorical data - that is, data having separate groups.

Q: What are the four categories of computing Averages?

A: The four forms of averages are mean, mode, median, and range. Although the range is a 'measure of spread or dispersion', the others are commonly termed as 'measures of central tendency.

Q: Which type of mean is most suitable as a measure of central tendency? Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, or Harmonic Mean?

A: None of them can be declared as the most suitable measure of central tendency. The Geometric Mean should be used if the values have different units, as opposed to the Arithmetic Mean, which is appropriate if the values have the same units. If the data values are ratios of two variables with different units, the Harmonic Mean should be used.

Q: When should the median be used as a measure of central tendency?

A: Median should be used for skewed distributions i.e. data having outliers. For instance, the salaries of people in a certain city will be a skewed distribution, and the median will be a good indicator of central tendency.

Why should you use our tool?

Our Average Calculator tool has been created to make your life easier. Finding averages or means using conventional methods is difficult and time-consuming, which is made more difficult when the data is confusing. Therefore, using our Average Calculator is the best option to solve this problem. In a matter of milliseconds, our tool will calculate the average or any of its types according to your entered data. Not only this, but our tool is absolutely free and does not demand creating an account. We have covered your possible questions regarding the tool as well, so you get complete guidance related to the tool.

Amir Iqbal

CEO / Co-Founder

An entrepreneur working in various sectors, mainly the web technology niche, enjoys the little things in life. When people give up, they often don't realize how close they were to success.