Age Calculator: How Old Am I Today

Calculate your exact age in terms of years, months, and days, and find out how many months and days are left until your next birthday with the help of this calculator

This Age Calculator tool can help you quickly determine your age in years, months, weeks, and days.  If you’re asked about your age, you can easily reply in terms of number of years. However, if it is required in months, weeks, or days, there is no better way to find it except for using our age calculator tool.

How Does this Age Calculator Work?

Whenever you apply for a job application, or you fill a form related to fitness or sports club, or when your doctor inquires, they require you to provide your exact age. You may know your birth year from which you can estimate your approximate age in years, but it will not be exact in terms of number of years, months and weeks. Especially, if your doctor asks about your age, you must not provide him with an approximate age as it is very crucial since he has to give you medication according to that.

Our easy to use tool will find the exact age for you. All you have to do is provide your Date of Birth (DOB). The tool fetches the current date automatically, and will provide your current age in years, months, and days. Along with that, other indicators include your age in months, your age in weeks, and your age in days. If you want to find your age up to some other day in time, you can do so by entering that particular date in place of Today’s Date.

How to use the Age Calculator tool?

You can easily launch our Age Calculator directly from our home page under the Calculator section. It can help you calculate your exact age even in number of days. Not only this, you can use our tool to find the number of days or weeks or months in between any two dates. We aim to make our user’s experience as convenient as we can. Age Calculator, like the rest of our tools, is incredibly simple to use.

Follow up with the instructions provided to make the most out of this tool:

  1. Open our Age Calculator’s web page. You ‘ll see a row of three boxes beneath the label ‘Select your Date of birth’. By default, these will be filled with present date. Left box indicates the current year, the middle box indicates the current month and the right box indicates the current day.
  2. You have to enter your date of birth in these fields. For selecting the birth year, click on the left box, it will open a drop down of years, you can either scroll and select it manually, or you can type your birth year, which will be selected in the drop down, and then you can press Enter key.
  3. You can do the same procedure for selecting the month and day of your DOB in the middle and right box, respectively, of the top row.
  4. If you want to calculate the number of months / days / weeks from a particular date, then you can enter its year, month and day in place of your Date of Birth.
  5. Beneath this first date, you can see another row of three boxes beneath the label ‘Today’s Date’. By default, these will also be filled with present date. As before, the left box indicates the current year, middle box indicates the current month and right box indicates the current day.
  6. You can keep it the same if you want to calculate the age or number of months or weeks up to this day.
  7. If you want to calculate your age till a particular day in the past or in future, you can enter its date in these fields.
  8. Similarly, if you entered some other date earlier in place of Date of Birth fields, then you can enter the appropriate date, here as well, for which you want to calculate the number of days, weeks, or months.
  9. Once you are sure of the two dates, between which you want to calculate the time interval, next you have to click on the Calculate button to output your exact current age in terms of months, weeks and days.

Which Age Indicators you ‘ll get?

Upon clicking the Calculate button after entering your date of birth (or any initial date), and confirming the present date (or entering any final date), a new table will appear with your age figures. It includes Your Current Age in terms of X year(s), Y month(s) and Z day(s). Along with that, you are provided with your age in number of month(s), your age in number of weeks(s), and your age in number of days(s). The tool enables users to obtain precise age information on any day. As today's date entry is not fixed by the tool, you are not restricted to calculating your age solely as of today. You can easily determine the age difference between the two dates by providing any dates of your choice.


Here are some common questions that you may have about our Age Calculator

Q: Can this tool be used to find my age till my next December?

A: Yes, this tool can help you to do so. All you need to do is fill out the first entry with your DOB and the present date entry with the date of some day in next december till when you want to calculate.

Q: Can this tool be used to find No. of weeks between any two dates?

A: Yes, this tool can help you to do so. All you have to do to determine the number of weeks is fill out the date of birth field with the beginning date and the present date field with the ending date.

Q: Does this tool accommodate the effect of leap year?

A: Yes, this tool accommodates the effect of leap year by adding one extra day each for a leap year. i.e. for years … 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024 …

Why should you use our tool?

Our Age Calculator tool is a very useful utility that helps you to find your exact age in a matter of milliseconds. In addition to calculating the age, you can also use this tool to find out the number of days to any future event. The tool is very simple and straightforward. You would be able to use this age calculator without much help even if you don't have a lot of technical experience. Also, our tool is absolutely free, you don’t have to pay anything to use this service. Moreover, it does not demand creating an account. We have also covered your possible questions regarding the tool, so you get complete information related to the tool.

Amir Iqbal

CEO / Co-Founder

An entrepreneur working in various sectors, mainly the web technology niche, enjoys the little things in life. When people give up, they often don't realize how close they were to success.