RGB to Hex color converter
Our RGB to HEX color converter allows you to visualize an RGB color code, and also convert it to HEX representation, so you get everything under one hood. Our tool will do it for you in a split second, so you can use the hex codes in themes for web pages, illustrations, and other graphic design projects.
Everything you need to know about this tool:
The RGB system combines red, green, and blue light to create the colors we see on screens of our PCs, TVs, and cellphones. A HEX color code is a hexadecimal representation of a color in RGB format that combines the values of three colors. The RGB code is nine characters long because the three values each range from 0 to 255. The hexadecimal format, on the other hand, is only six characters long. It compresses the different RGB values into a single six-digit value that identifies a color using a combination of alphanumeric characters, including letters and numbers.
It is quite frustrating to put a lot of time and effort into an image design project only to find out later that your application requires color codes in a format that differs from what you typically use. Our RGB to HEX converter not only provides visualization of the entered RGB color but also provides its converted HEX value, so you don't have to go to multiple websites for visualization and conversion. Our easy-to-use tool will do it for you, error-free and hassle-free.
How to use our RGB to HEX Converter?
You can easily launch our 'RGB to HEX' tool directly from our home page under the Other Tools section. You no longer need to perform any complex calculations manually to convert the color code from RGB to Hexadecimal, because our tool will do it for you instantly. We aim to make our user's experience as convenient as we can. RGB to HEX Converter, like the rest of our tools, is incredibly simple to use. You can use our tool without much help even if you don't have a lot of technical experience.
Initially, you can get to know the tool by using the sample values for conversion. It can be done as:
Using the Sample RGB Values:
Before getting into the step-by-step guide, let us make it easy for you by filling in the sample values.
- Open our RGB to HEX converter's webpage. You'll see three boxes with labels 'Red Color (R)', 'Green Color (G)' and 'Blue Color (B)'. Alongside the boxes, there are three sliders to vary the value of each field.
- Beneath the boxes, there are three buttons with blue, green, and orange colors, titled 'Convert', 'Sample', and 'Reset' respectively.
- Click on the Sample button. It will fill the three fields with sample values of 255 (Red), 0 (Green), and 0 (Blue) colors.
- Then click on the Convert button to visualize this RGB value and get its converted Hex value.
Using your Actual RGB values:
Follow up with the instructions provided to visualize and convert your RGB value to Hex code.
- Enter the value of Red Color (R):
- When you open our RGB to HEX converter's webpage, you'll see the top box with the label 'Red Color (R)'. In that field, enter the value of the Red color channel in your RGB code. If you are confused, about which value represents the red color from your RGB code, use the first one, as it is represented as (Red, Green, Blue).
- If you want to change the entered value, you can use the up and down arrows at the right side of the box. The up arrow will increase the value by unity, and the down arrow will decrease it by unity. You can also change the value by using the horizontal slider right next to the Red color box.
- Enter the value of Green Color (G):
- Among the three boxes, you'll see the middle box with the label 'Green Color (G)'. In that field, enter the value of the Green color channel in your RGB code. If you are confused, about which value represents the green color from your RGB code, use the second one, as it is represented as (Red, Green, Blue).
- If you want to change the entered value, you can use the up and down arrows at the right side of the box. The up arrow will increase the value by unity, and the down arrow will decrease it by unity. You can also change the value by using the horizontal slider right next to the Green color box.
- Enter the value of Blue Color (B):
- Among the three boxes, you'll see the bottom box with the label 'Blue Color (B)'. In that field, enter the value of the Blue color channel in your RGB code. If you are confused, about which value represents the blue color from your RGB code, use the third one, as it is represented as (Red, Green, Blue).
- If you want to change the entered value, you can use the up and down arrows at the right side of the box. The up arrow will increase the value by unity, and the down arrow will decrease it by unity. You can also change the value by using the horizontal slider right next to the Blue color box.
- Convert:
- Once you have entered the values for all three fields, next you have to click on the Convert button. You'll get the Hex color code value for the entered RGB values.
- If you wish to change the values and want to do the conversion for another color, you can do so by clicking firstly on the Reset button, it will clear all the fields. Then you can repeat the same procedure to get the new Hex code.
What can you do using RGB to HEX Conversion?
Upon clicking the Convert button after entering the values for red, green, and blue colors, a new table will appear with desired results. The converted HEX color will be displayed which you can copy and directly use in your frontend codes for website graphics or HTML pages. Along with that, the Actual Color corresponding to the entered color code will also be visible in a new box beneath the buttons. So you can be sure that the color to be used is the one that you specifically chose.
Image editing, illustration, and graphics design software like Photoshop and Illustrator typically use colors in RGB format. As a developer, if you have to use these RGB color codes in your HTML or CSS codes, you must first convert them to their hexadecimal form. Our tool solves this problem, as it allows you to enter any RGB color code and convert it to HEX equivalent without any hassle. It not only helps in avoiding mathematics but also saves time and gives instant results.
Here are some common questions that you may have about our RGB to HEX Converter:
Q: How is RGB color represented in HEX numbers?
A: Single color value in RGB can vary from 0 to 255 which can be represented by 1 byte or 8 bits of data. And, a HEX digit has values from 0 to 15 which can be represented by 1 nibble or 4 bits of data. Thus 2 HEX digits are needed to represent one color channel, and 6 to represent all three channels.
Q: What is the HEX code for Black color?
A: Black color has red, green, and blue colors at minimum intensity i.e. 0. Thus {0, 0, 0} in RGB means #000000 in HEX.
Q: What is the HEX code for White color?
A: White color has red, green, and blue colors at maximum intensity i.e. 255. Thus {255, 255, 255} in RGB means #FFFFFF in HEX.
Q: How many times can I convert RGB to HEX with this tool?
A: There are no limitations on how many times you want to convert. You can convert as many times as you need. You just need to click the Reset button, it will clear all the fields. Then you can repeat the same procedure.
Why should you use our tool?
Our RGB to HEX converter makes your life so easy. The conventional approach to converting RGB color codes to HEX codes is difficult and time-consuming. Great calculation and mathematical skills are required to get accurate results. With a very user-friendly interface, our tool can perform the difficult conversion in a matter of milliseconds. Not only this, the tool also provides the actual color corresponding to the entered color code. The tool is completely free and does not even require you to register to use it.
Moreover, we have also covered all the important questions that can bug your mind. Hence, all the necessary guidance regarding the tool has been provided.