IPv4 to IPv6 Converter

Convert IPv4 addresses to IPv6 and vice versa using our simple converter tool.

About IPv4 and IPv6 Conversion

IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) and IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) are two different versions of the Internet Protocol used for identifying and locating devices on a network. As the world transitions from IPv4 to IPv6 due to the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, it's often necessary to convert between these two formats.

IPv4 to IPv6 Conversion

When converting IPv4 to IPv6, we use a technique called "6to4". This method embeds the IPv4 address into an IPv6 address, allowing IPv4-only hosts to communicate with IPv6-only hosts. The resulting IPv6 address always starts with "2002:" followed by the hexadecimal representation of the IPv4 address.

IPv6 to IPv4 Conversion

Converting from IPv6 to IPv4 is only possible for IPv6 addresses that were created using the 6to4 method. These addresses always start with "2002:". The conversion extracts the embedded IPv4 address from the IPv6 address.


Please note that not all IPv6 addresses can be converted to IPv4. Only those created using the 6to4 method (starting with "2002:") can be converted back to IPv4. Similarly, when converting from IPv4 to IPv6, we're creating a 6to4 tunnel address, which is just one way to represent an IPv4 address in IPv6 format.