DNS Lookup: A and AAAA Records

Our A, AAAA Lookup tool helps you check the major IPV4 (A) and IPV6 (AAAA) records of a domain name.

Domain Name:

A, and AAAA IP lookup tool shows these DNS records: A and AAAA.

Our A and AAAA Lookup tool is specifically designed to help you inspect the major IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA) records associated with any given domain name. These records play a crucial role in the Domain Name System (DNS) by mapping domain names to their respective IP addresses, allowing devices to locate and communicate with each other on the internet.

By using our efficient and user-friendly A and AAAA Lookup tool, you can effortlessly identify both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses linked to a domain, which is essential for domain administration and can be highly beneficial in diagnosing and resolving IP-related issues.